December Results: Congratulations to all of our fencers who competed this month! We had fencers travel to Crete, Salt Lake City, and Austin! International Heraklion Junior World Cup Individual - Stafford Moosekian - 23rd National December NAC - Salt Lake City Women's Div 2 Jeanelle Myers - 6th Sectional Austin Challenge SYC and RCC Y12 Women's Epee Regina Lee - Bronze Y10 Women's Epee Regina Lee - Bronze Regional SoCal Clash Women's Junior Yilin Yao - Bronze Zoe Kim - 5th Men's Junior Chris Dekermanji - 8th Women's Y14 Zoe Kim - Gold Tallulah Nguyen - 8th Men's Y14 Rohin Phukan - 6th Y12 Women's Epee Zoe Kim - Gold Tallulah Nguyen - Silver Men's Y12 Nathan Kim - 7th Y10 Women's Epee Regina Lee - Gold Indra Phukan - 7th Men's Y10 Chris Davoodian - Silver Local JO Qualifiers Men's Cadet Rohin Phukan - Bronze - qualified for Junior Olympics Senior Mixed Team Event Stafford Moosekian, Raymond Schorr, and Trevor Shepard - Gold
November Results: Congratulations to all of our fencers who competed this month! We had fencers travel to France, Milwaukee, Denver, and Chicago! International Grenoble Cadet World Cup Team - Stafford Moosekian - Gold Individual - Ryan Lee - 9th Mia Wu - 10th National November NAC - Milwaukee Men's Cadet Ryan Lee - Gold Stafford Moosekian - 5th Men's Junior Stafford Moosekian - 8th Women's Y14 Natalie Leung - 5th Sectional Windy City SYC - Chicago Y14 Women's Epee Tallulah Nguyen Silver Zoe Kim - Bronze Y12 Women's Epee Zoe Kim - Gold Tallulah Nguyen - 5th Y10 Men's Epee Chris Davoodian - Gold Regional Blade Runner ROC - RJC Women's Junior Irene Yeu - Gold - Renewed her A Women's Div1A Mia Wu - Silver Emily Beihold - 5th Men's Junior Chris Dekermanji placed 12th, earned his B19 RYC of the Rockies - Denver Y10 Women's Epee Regina Lee - Gold Y12 Women's Epee Regina Lee - 6th Y10 Men's Epee Chris Davoodian - Gold |
July 2021
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