As of October 1st, we will be moving our Wednesday classes from our Burbank location to our newest Pasadena location.
The classes will be held at the Fred Astaire Dance Studio located at 1368 N Lake Ave, Pasadena, CA 91104 on the corner of Lake and Washington. We will continue our classes and open floor at 6:30pm until about 9:30pm. Please remember that if you park on the street to turn your wheels to the curb otherwise you will be ticketed. Additional parking is available at the bank plaza across the street as well. We look forward to this expansion into Pasadena and hope to see everyone there!
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Congratulations to Artem Bortnik and Christopher Kim in their recent tournament just this past Sunday. They both fenced incredibly well in pools and came out 1st and 2nd out of pools, respectively. Christopher lost a tough bout 15-14 to finish 9th and Artem lost to an experienced fencer 15-10 to finish 5th, overall a great showing. Great job guys!
Also, a late congrats are in order for Emon Daroian as he finished 5th at the recent Orange Coast Mixed Open Epee and earned his C14! Great job Emon! Jung Vs Bodoczi 2010 Gold Medal Bout
Jung flesche...Bodoczi protests... but why? Bodoczi leg touche Jung Second Attack The Gifs show some great touches. Take a look and have fun watching some high quality Men's Epee touches!!! Congratulations to all the fencers and to our Swords' fencers for their great finishes especially since it was a first for many of our fencers. Special congratulations to Aidan Kung for earning his B14 and taking second in the Junior Men's Epee Event and to Caitlin McKenna for earning her B14 and finishing first in the Junior Women's Epee Event. Full results list can be found here. ***Note: These points are estimates and will be confirmed by the USFA.
Despite the terrible heat, the fencers, referees, and Swords Fencing Studio(with volunteers) were able to host their largest RYC yet with close to 300 fencers!
Flesches and lunges and victory screams echoed throughout the gym, even with the industrial fans blowing at full speed. Everyone was staying hydrated and the events moved along smoothly for the most part. As the pressure increased with more fencers, so did the heat, but everyone somehow kept their cool. As events finished and fencers picked up medals and Tshirts, Swords took home a staggering 20 medals out of 20 events and we only fence epee! The full list of results can be found here. Congratulations to all our fencers! |
July 2021
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